Around noon I got poised to turn on the AC. It got all the way up to 49 yesterday and today is supposed to be the same! And sunny to boot! It was so nice not to have to smell the propane burning all day. Then it's supposed to get cold again, as if 49 isn't cold. Everything is relative, right?
Frustration city around here right now. I didn't start hooking up my Wii until last night around 8:00. Finally got all the wires run and rearranged everything to find a place for it and turned it on around 9:30. Started it up and went through the first disc to learn how to use the remote and it was in black and white! I thought to myself that maybe the first disc was just black and white for them to save money, like we used to do in the olden days with photos on film. Then I put another disc in and it was still black and white. Then I knew I must have plugged the wires in to the wrong places. I crawled behind the TV again and started trying new holes. As it turns out my TV only has one place that has the CORRECT plugs. That's gonna be a real problem because that ONE place is where my satellite plugs in. It is NOT an option to plug the Wii in there. I refuse to do without color television for a color Wii. So I get on the phone to call Nintendo and they are closed. What no 24/7 support? That I'm not used too. So I got on-line and sent them an email. Then they say that it may be several days before they get back to me since the Wii is so popular. I was seething about that time. So I just went to bed and read.
I'll be making a bunch of calls today to Nintendo, DishNetwork and Vizio to see if I can solve the problem but I have to wait until they all wake up and get to work. Dish is available 24/7 but I want to speak to a service person I can understand and who can understand me and at night or weekends there tech support is in India.
I guess my resolve only lasts 3 weeks. I'm already tired of this eating right and exercising daily. Haven't exercised the past 2 days. Eating wasn't bad though. Gotta work on getting myself psyched. Cause right now it just isn't there. Even with all your wonderful support and cheerleading, the yuck has set in. I feel like such a failure right now because I just can't make myself exercise. I am sure this will pass and I'll be ready to get back to it.
Those of you that have been with me for a while may remember that last summer there was a blow up between me and a dear friend. She really hurt me and I had a hard time coping with it. Well, she called yesterday to apologise! I was nice and accepted the apology and we had a nice conversation. Then she called someone else to apologize to and that person called me. The lies have already started again so I'm going to be real leery about this development. I will be cordial to her but the close friendship will never be there again. I realize she has had a rough time and has even spent some time in a mental hospital but I just can't put my complete trust in her again.
10:45 Update: The Wii is in color, YAY! It just took some daylight to see another hook up on the side of the TV.
Weigh in #9 for 2025
19 hours ago
Congrats on the Wii purchase. How exciting. Not so exciting, all the b.s. of hooking it up though. I hope you have some sort of solution today. I think maybe once you start playing with it you might feel like exercising again. It's more fun than exercise.
Nice that you friend apologized - but I can see where you'd be a little on the leery side. I hope it all works out.
We really are having a heat wave down in Houston! 78 degrees today. I wish it was 49, but that's just me! :)
I'm working on getting you some answers for connecting your Wii. I'm no tekkie, but I'll see what I can do.
I have real trust issues with friends. Been burned so many times. You are smart to use caution and wait to see if she is sincere.
Please don't lose interest in eating healthy. You have been making good choices and this is the critical period of time where boredom sets in. Mix up your recipes and maybe that will help.
And when you get your Wii Fit, you will have so much fun. I mean it!
Sorry about all the trouble with your Wii. I am CLUELESS when it comes to hooking up anything - my kids usually do it for me, or my husband!
Hang in there with the exercise. One thing that helps me is so break up the exercise through the day. When its nice out (my poor dog hasn't gone on a walk in weeks!) I'll walk him for 30 minutes in the morning before work. Then maybe do 30 minutes on the elliptical and abs at lunch, and then another 15 minute walk after dinner. That's 75 minutes of exercise - but there is no way I would ever do that at one time!
It does get easier - hang in!
Woo hooo for getting the Wii in color!!!!
I would be the same way as you are with the friend. She apologized, thank goodness. You don't want that mess hanging over your head. But I'd be the same...gaurded around her!
Glad you got your Wii all figured out... can you see the green on me, with envy.
Enjoy the "heat wave!"
The Wii is a blast. Hope you enjoy it =).
All things can change come morning. Just saying that reminded me of a long night with a baby with an earache. Morning seems so hopeful. Call the Dr. and hope for a better night. So glad you found the hook up. I know you will come back. You will get over the yuks. You will overcome. (o: Guess what? We finally have a more realistic temp today. Thirties and a little snow.
Glad you figured out your Wii! Have fun :)
Am I the only one here who sees the lovely metaphor of finding the wii solution in the light of a new day? What you thought didn't exist (mebbe like your healthy mojo) was there all along, just in a different place.
I'm so poetic I could cry sometimes. :)
Please don't be so hard on yourself about the exercise! You're doing great to work it in at all, considering it's not your favorite way to pass the time of day. I'm seriously proud of you.
Think of it this way. If you eat "mostly healthy" one week a month, and rock n' roll it the other 3 weeks, where do you think you'll be in a year? Ahead of where you are now, that's for certain. Give yourself room to grow. (Or un-grow, depending on how you look at it.)
Have a happy weekend, and have fun with the wii! (Why do I have this fear we'll never hear from you again until we read in the news about the mountain woman admitted to a hospital for wii addiction.)
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