At six o'clock this morning some one on the mountain hit the panic button on their car's remote lock thingy. Good grief!!! I hate it when the owners of the cabins that don't live here year round come up. They are city folks and have no regard for the peacefulness of the mountains. You'd think that was the reason they have a cabin up here anyway. So, today is going to be a long one for sure.
My weight is up a little more than I feel comfortable with so I'm going to start today to do something about it. Think if the weather clears some I may go to the falls by myself and do some walking. And take some pictures of my own since my daughter has never sent me copies of the ones she took last weekend. She's been really busy and I understand but I am by nature an impatient person.
There have been some personal things going on in my life that have had my mind pre-occupied. That is why I have not been too regular on here and why I haven't left many comments on your blogs. With the mind on other things it's hard to come up with encouragement for someone else. Hope you will forgive me.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Weigh in #9 for 2025
1 day ago
What a rude awakening! I hate those car alarms.
Hope you enjoy your day!
Don't you worry one second about not being on here and posting/commenting. You take care of yourself and everything that is going on in your life. Take care of you! We'll be here when things settle down!
Have fun on your walk to the falls!!!
As for the salt question. I haven't really found a way to combat the salt issue. I do think that always drinking a lot of water does help keep the water retention at bay but it doesn't take away the effects totally. For me the problem is that I don't do the high sodium stuff on a regular when I do, there is a huge jump for me on the scales! In the meantime, I try to drink a lot because that's the only thing I know to do!
While we have missed you, we certainly understand that other things do often take precedence over blogging. Hopefully, you'll be back in no time, and that your other distractions are not too serious. Take care of yourself, and we'll all be thinking of you, even if we don't hear from you. :) You take care of yourself and we wish you well. :)
I like to walk by myself...but take a cell phone and a walking stick (o: just incase you need to whack someone or thing. Hope you get to feeling better about food and your life situation. Stand tall and be strong.
Hope you get the worries worked out! You've got to focus on yourself FIRST.
Congrats on the DSL, btw. I'm not just a little bit jealous of that new PC. ;)
All is forgiven. I'm not been a good blog buddy lately either. HA!
I hope your weekend ended up going well.
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