Things aren't going as well as I had expected. The first 2 days of my "getting back at it" were great, then came yesterday. I was famished all day! I did learn one thing for sure. I have a few favorites that I can eat that keep me on the straight and narrow. I ventured off into another world the day before yesterday and tried some other stuff. That was my downfall. The downfall didn't happen the day I had the other stuff but the day after. So maybe I'll just stick to the things that are my faves and see if that helps. Just do the same ole, same ole and maybe I won't eat the entire kitchen. Actually when I did eat the entire kitchen it was the good stuff but almost half again what I had planned to get these pesky 10 pounds back off.
I did get in some exercise on Sunday. Got outside and mowed the lawn with my self propelled push mower. You do remember that I live on a mountain, right? That's why I have the self propelled kind. It's "fairly" flat where I have to mow but there are some places that I couldn't push the heavy thing around without the automatically turning front wheels. It took me 48 minutes to get just the mowing done. When I paid a young whipper snapper to do it he had the yard mowed and the weed eating done in 30 minutes. Me, I didn't get the weed eating done around the flower beds or fire pit. I couldn't get the durn thing started. I just don't have the strength it takes to pull that cord to start it. So the weeds will just have to wait until my daughter and her fiance come to visit or I may get out a pair of scissors and set on my bum and scoot around them and clip away. At least I did remember to put on my heart monitor and found out that I'd burned 850 calories in that 48 minutes.
It's supposed to be pretty again today so I'm going to walk around my place and see if I can take some halfway descent pics of the new spring growth. You'll find out tomorrow it the pics were good enough to post.
Have a great week!!
Weigh in #9 for 2025
1 day ago
WOOO got some activity in!!
Don't stress about the eating, you are getting back into it and learning what you can handle and can't handle. You realized quickly what you couldn't do...and you are moving on! Great job!
You're doing great! Pushing a lawnmower up a hill is a workout. The food thing will fall back into place.
It's really hard sticking with a plan. I think I'll probably stick with my current plan because my Tween has to. children... the great motivator! Vee at
Yes, pushing a lawn mower is HARD work. I gardened yesterday and my sides are sore. How about that. All these little workouts can make a big difference!
Boda weight loss blog
Just keep working ayt it... seems like two steps forward and 1 step back (or however that saying goes) Just as long as we don't give up all together. My capri pants that I got out are tight )o: I am determined to do something about that.
Your place sounds so beautiful. I hope you post the pics.
I know what you mean about feeling so famished ... I've felt that way all day!
Yowzah!! 850 calories burned. Good for you. That would just about make up for one of my "mayo" goof ups yesterday. :) Feels good to accomplish stuff, tho', doesn't it? I'll anxiously await pictures. Keep up the good work.
Yikes! You're mowing the mountainside? That's dedication!
Give yourself credit for moving *toward* your goal of getting back into rhythm. It ain't easy. :)
Your back thinking about your choices and "learning" so that is great progress. Keep up the good work!
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