Don't know what it is but I just can't sleep. Reading didn't help, even finished my book and a snack didn't help. I've tried several times and just decided to get up and come blog instead.
Now, what to blog about...hmmmm...
After watching Biggest Loser tonight I decided to try the fried chicken the way they suggested. I had already decided to make it oven fried chicken but I'm going to use the whole wheat bread crumbs instead of flour. So I've got some whole wheat bread toasted and drying out for tomorrow. I did pick up thighs this time instead of breasts as a treat. I rarely ate a chicken breast before I started on this healthier life style and I've gotten to where I'd rather have beans than chicken lately. I'm really tired of chicken breast.
I was so looking forward to fresh strawberries when I went to the store but they were half rotten. The price was so high they just couldn't sell what they had put out. I did get a big head of cabbage and think I'll cook the whole thing and freeze some for later in the week. I almost bought cookies. I've been dying for cookies lately but I didn't do it. I was good. And my local store doesn't carry Hershey's dark chocolate kisses, durn. I think I only have about 5 left and that won't last me until April first when I go to Wal-Mart again. Don't know what I'll do without them. Not to worry, I'm always good with them. I only allow myself 3 at a time and only have them 2-3 times a week. That takes care of the chocolate urge for me.
Well, that was a boring post, but hey, it's my blog and I can write anything I want too, so there.
Guess I'll sign off and play some mindless card games on this 'puter to try to make myself sleepy.
Weigh in #9 for 2025
23 hours ago
I hate it when I can't sleep. Great job staying away from the cookies.
I usually avg about 5 hours sleep a nite so i'm ususally asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. But i do hate the once or twice a year when i can't fall asleep. Uuugh! You did a great job staying away from the cookies girl!
Gosh i know what you mean. Fruit is expensive. I just tell myself I'm worth it LOL! We splurge on fresh pineapple too. MMmmm! I wish i liked to cook more. But anymore its just like pulling teeth. I blamed on the fact my daughter turned 18 and moved out only hubbby and i now. But that excuse may have been good a couple years ago but its high time i get over it and get back to cooking! Healthier for us too. Take a nap! Jinx!
My hubby was really interested in the chicken they made on Biggest Loser last night too.
I'm hoping he gets me the cookbook for mother's day or something.
And wow. Marvelous restraint on the m&ms.
I haven't had a really good night's sleep for probably 6 years. Been tested: restless legs (like bugs crawling under my skin, hypopnia (where you keep waking up) and insomnia (trouble getting to sleep) and sleep apnea (i stop breathing while sleeping. Supposed to wear a machine for the apnea but I'm claustrophobic and can't. So believe me, I've lost plenty of brain cells. Lately, as I start to add exercise to my day, I'm starting to sleep a little - or maybe it's all of the medicine I'm on!
Have you tried reading a boring book? Taking a walk after dinner? Meditating (sitting still looking at a candle flame can definitely put you in that frame of mind).
Your hair looks just fine, by the way, but yeah, I'd change hairdressers if s/he can't be bothered to do it the way you request.
As to the neighbor's drunk boyfriend, I wish I had advice. You call the cops, it might make it worse. You don't, and drunken-he will do it again. Did you post a no-trespassing sign? Do you have a way to gate your driveway?
Thanks for reading my blog. We support each other! Vee at
Isn't it great to be able to get on the computer if you can't sleep. Since I cut way back on caffeine, I don't have that problem as much. I hate to be awake like that. Did you see the pic of my little ballerinas?
In church my preacher always told us to pick up our bible and read it when we couldn't sleep. That will make the devil angry and he will make you go to sleep. :D
It works!!
I suffer myself with nights that I just can't sleep, can't shut the brain down, so I sympathize with you. Plus I have a husband who snores terribly as soon as his head hits the pillow, which makes it even worse. That's when I have to leave, go in another room and read for a while. Sometimes a snack and a glass of milk help. Sometimes not. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to turn to Benadryl, and then have a hangover in the morning from it.
Anyway, hope you get a real good night sleep tonight. :)
I bought some Thin Mints from someone's kid at work. I eat a cookie every other night or so. I just looked at the box and they're 40 calories each, not too awful. I also ate an orange, and am about to eat one more.
I hope the gun threat keeps your crazy neighbor away. I had a friend who had a nice wooden trestle thing in front of her walkway, and the local fratboys would swing on it and break it often. She started winding rose vines around it, and it was never messed with again. For whatever that's worth.
I take melatonin when I can't sleep. It's a hormone we produce anyway, though less as we age, and it knocks me out.
I have sleeping issues too. I started watching my caffeine intake. My doctor told me I drink too much of it and (aside from stress issues) it could be contributing.
Did blogging help you get to sleep??? I sure hope so!
Ohhh summer strawberries...I can't wait! (especially when they are hot from the sun, freshly picked from the vines......ohhh now I'm salivating)
I just hate it with I can't sleep. Have to admit it makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one.
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