Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goodbye Snow...

How wonderful that the entire country is thawing out this weekend!! I'm thrilled and I'll bet so are you that we can all get outside this weekend without wearing 12 layers to keep warm. I didn't have any plans but think I may at least hop off the mountain to get my mail. And then see what happens.

But first, I'm sticking my head in my freezer to see what is in some of those bottom bins. then tweak my grocery list a little for Monday. Would go to the store today but I really need to go to the bank and it won't be opened this afternoon, so that can all wait until Monday.

Have a fun weekend.


grammy said...

Have a great Saturday after you get your head out of the freezer...lo Hope you do have some nice weather.

Grace said...

Our weather in the Seattle area today is cool but dry (for a change). My dog & I took a 1-1/2 hour walk. It was great! Nothing's better for the soul than a walk in good weather.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Much warmer here today, but cloudy. :( Same for most of next week, which is a welcome relief!

Be careful moving about on that mountain!

charengiwooman said...

The New Year ends by the early one, Setsubun ends, too and March 3 is

Various dieting、beauty, healthy is written in this blog.

MaryFran said...

The weather has been WONDERFUL hasn't it?