Had a nice weekend. Took a friend shopping and out to lunch for her birthday (2 weeks late, but we just couldn't hook up earlier). I over did it eating wise but that's ok. I don't feel bad about it because I expected to do that. Am back on it today.
Spent 7 hours with the friend and I don't think she ever took a breath. She talks constantly!! But I love her just the same. Don't think I'll be calling her for a few days. Need some peace and quiet :o)
I had to go shopping for some summer clothes. I only had one pair of shorts that fit and jeans and they are too heavy for around the house in the summer. Found some good bargains but had to hit several shops to find them. We won't talk about all the gas I wasted looking :o) But I'm all set now.
Hope your weekend was grand!!
Weigh in #9 for 2025
23 hours ago
Hmmm...what's more important saving gas/money or making sure that you are covered with clothes. Hmmmm, dont' know about you, but I vote for the clothes!
Laughing at the chatterbox - and I totally understand the need for decompression and silence after a day like that!
I'm with Mary Fran, being clothed beats saving gas any day!! Bet you look quite spiffy now.
I have a friend like this, too. I just sit back and relax, she does all the talking, then explaining, then actual answering, too. I just have to stay awake.
Shopping always wins over gas. I think it's something they wrote into the constitution...lol
My late hubby used to call me and me friend Lucy and Ethel. We were always getting into trouble...
Enjoy thye gym...
If I didn't know better, I would think you were buddies with my middle sister. Lordy, she never shuts up. Well I waste a lot of gas and have nothing to show for it most of the time. At least your set for summer. I know you got some pretty, little outfits.
Sounds like a great weekend. Glad you got some new clothes. Fun (o: I bought some capris and shorts 3 weeks ago and it has not been warm enough to wear them yet. What's up with this cool cloudy weather everyday?
Your post reminded me of a vacation I took with a friend several years ago. She advised me ahead of time that she was not a morning person and to please not take her lack of conversation as anything other than that. I laughed it off and told her I'd talk all morning and she could talk in the afternoons.
Needless to say, she started yakking when we got in the car and didn't stop until we stopped for the evening. I loved it! :)
Have a wonderful week, and don't fret the gas! It's critical that we look all spiffy for the summer!
I love my step-daughter, but I can barely get a word in edge wise with her. After I get off the phone with her (she lives in Farmville, VA!)I make sure the there is total peace for as long as possible. :-)
Glad you had a good weekend!
I was talking with Hubby this weekend about getting some more summer clothes for Tween and he suggested I get some for myself. I told him no. We don't really have the money, and I bought shorts last year so I still have 2 pair of shorts I can wear.
Vee at www.veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
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